Batavia, AR

Service Date: Early 1901

Station Number 117

Depot 16 x 32, replaced depot built in 1901

Batavia was already a town when the St. Louis & North Arkansas Railroad built toward Harrison, and experienced significant growth after the railroad came through. In the days of poor roads and few bridges it was a regular stop for the passenger trains. In the later years it became a "flag stop" where the passenger train would only stop if flagged down or if a passenger needed to get off the train there. In 1944 Batavia was listed as having a mail crane which was probably installed when it became a flag stop. Batavia was the center of a large fruit growing area and had several canning operations that canned both local fruits and local vegetables from surrounding farms. It was also a shipping point for timber and had a pen for livestock loading until the 1930s.

Depot was on the south side of the tracks. This is the 1916 depot.